Sears and Equifax just killed me

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by chief76, Jun 2, 2005.

  1. chief76

    chief76 Member

    Been waiting forever for my last delinquent account to fall off. It is supposed to fall off at the end of July. Well, now it seems like my date of last activity has magically changed from 7/98 to 11/02. Cool!!! 4 1/2 more years of bad credit to look forward to. Exp and TU are fine, just Equifax that is screwing me. All I can figure is that the collection agency that this account was turned over to has re-aged it. Any advice before I blow my brains out? Will disputing the DOLA do anything or will they just tell me to contact the collector?
  2. ryder

    ryder Well-Known Member

    Do you have a copy of your old report showing the changed dates? If so, sue the bastards for $5,000 in small claims for re-aging your account. Chances are that you will be able to settle before the court date since it cost the companies involved a lot of money (and risk) to send an attorney in to defend themselves. You should be able to get the account removed and a few thousand out of the deal for your troubles in the settlement (as long as what you are saying is accurate). Don't back down for a simple removal, go for the jugular.

    If you hire an attorney to represent you, you could probably get more. My Dad settled for 10K and removal of a paid collection with one credit card company simply because they failed to put a "paid as agreed" on an old collection account he paid off.
  3. chief76

    chief76 Member

    I am going to look through my records tonight. Hopefully I still have a copy.
  4. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

  5. chief76

    chief76 Member

    Well I looked through my records and only found the credit report from last year. It has the date reported as 8/2004. It doesn't list a DOLA on it, I think I called and got that from them last time. I haven't called RMA yet (the collection agency that took over the account). Any advice on what to say to them? Is there anything that an attorney could do for me? Thanks for the help, this is really discouraging thinking about another 4 1/2 years of this after I have already been through 7.

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