What is up with Sears and RMA. I have a chargeoff that was paid almost in full before Sears sold it to RMA. Here is the deal, this thing will fall off my CR in about 4 months, RMA is listing it, but they have added 6 months to the DOL. RMA has not to this day validated. SOL is up, I have sent them an intent to sue letter. If their listing is not off my CR by the end of the month, I will file the papers and sue their A$$es. I will make it my personal mission in life to bring sleeze like RMA down. Has anyone ever had dealings with these 2? If so how did things work out for ya?
This sounds like their standard operating procedure. I bet if you check the dates, RMA's DOLA is probably about when they bought it from Sears. I've just been going through the dispute/validation process and letting the 2 of them rack up violations. When I'm good and ready they're gonna get zapped. Just out of curiosity - did RMA send you anything when they first took over the account or did you get one of their "surprise" blackmail letters, 'we have been notified by equifax that you may be seeking credit, now may be a good time to pay us...'? 0
I just got one of their surprise letters. I plan to let Sears and RMA rack up the violations then I will sue both of their A$$E$!
There must be at least 10 of us, if not more, on this board with the same issues with RMA and Sears, especially with re-aging. Someones really gotta go after them for this...
i had the same issues. it was only on equifax. I had equifax verify the sears, then verify the rma. Then I contacted them and asked how they could both be the same account, but verify different dates. The sears fell off due to age, but the rma had another 6 months. When I questioned equifax as to how the could verify these with different dates they went ahead and deleted the rma right away.
RMA used to be owned by Equifax, don't be surprised by anything between these two. I had written a long post but will simplify it here. Perhaps the best approach here is for a number of us to get together, determine a lead plaintiff in the most rural and expensive to defend District Court, file suit, then follow up with a motion for a class certification hearing. Perhaps having ten or twenty plaintiffs' names on a caption with a few hundred thousand dollars in damages sought will get their attention. For my part I have a few FDCPA violations on RMA and would love to argue vicarious liability to Sears. On Sears I have either five or about sixty violations of the FCRA, depending on how you would like to count violations. (I would try to at least argue that every single piece of inaccurate information on a report is a seperate violation of the FCRA meaning that every single month they report false information is another $1,000. May not fly but is at least worth arguing.)
Does anybody plan to do something about this riot? I owe Sears/RMA, and am in the process of validating with RMA, then I'll dispute RMA as not mine with CRAs, then I'll repeat for Sears. I'm in PA with SOL past, RMA may have reaged twice or more, and I have documented cases of denied credit to pile up in the form of damages.