Sears Citi-bank

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jd937, Nov 11, 2007.

  1. jd937

    jd937 Well-Known Member

    FYI if any of you have any negs from a Sears acct. now is a great time to try to get them removed via goodwill. Citibank Sears card is undergoing major changes that have pissed off a lot of customers. They bent over backwards for me when I complained about several of the practices. They even removed all of the negs from an old account that was closed in addition to the negs from my current account. Probably in part because I told them that if they didn't I was not afraid to close the account and take my business elsewhere (the only reason that I even shop at Kmart or Sears is because I have that card, otherwise, I'd never go there).
  2. no1healey

    no1healey Well-Known Member

    JCPenny also making changes..makes you wonder!
  3. MojaveMoon

    MojaveMoon Member

    Could you elaborate, please ? You are saying that in the present time at this moment major changes are being implemented ? Are you at liberty to specify what they are ?

    Also, I was a little confused by your post. On the one hand you are informing us that major changes are underway by Sears-Citibank. But on the other hand you are saying that Citibank apparently was very receptive to your letter of complaint; are you indicating that one branch of Citibank is displeased with the actions being taken by another branch of Citibank ?
  4. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Citibank is the bank that services Sears cards. I think the reference was to the Citi folks who handle Sears accounts. It may not be one branch of Citi displeased with another branch of Citi, but rather that customers are displeased with what Citi is doing with Sears cards.

    I haven't heard anything new, myself. But then I haven't used the Sears account in a long time.

    Is it the Sears store card or the MasterCard?
  5. enigma

    enigma Well-Known Member

    2003 or 04 Citi bought the Sears portfolio.
  6. jd937

    jd937 Well-Known Member

    sorry took me so long to respond. Citi bank handles Sears cards (both in store and master cards). According to the reps at Sears, Kmart, and the credit 800 #, they've made a lot of policy changes that have caused numerous customer service issues. As a result of so many complaints, when people call in and complain with an issue, they've at least for me bent over backwards, even removing lates and charges.

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