Secured Bank Loan-any advice?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by A new One, Dec 4, 2000.

  1. A new One

    A new One Guest

    In an effort to rebuild my credit, I want to take out a secured loan from a bank. Does anyone here know of a bank that wont report the loan as secured, or does it make a different?
    Thanks in advance
  2. Sorin

    Sorin Well-Known Member

    RE: Secured Bank Loan-any advi

    My bank (First Union) reported it secured. But anyway, I still think it's a good idea...
  3. Creditinsi

    Creditinsi Guest

    RE: Secured Bank Loan-any advi

    Try your local banks first, they may be able to help. Good luck!

  4. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    RE: Secured Bank Loan-any advi

    I think they all pretty much report it as secured. I also dont think it makes a differenc
  5. A New One

    A New One Guest

    RE: Secured Bank Loan-any advi

    Is it worth going through the hassle? It is a shame that I have a 6 figure household, but my student loans have kill my credit reports, even though I am paying them. I have even signed with Junum. Thanks for listening......
  6. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    hey a new one.

    I did it. I think every little bit helps. Can build credit on credit cards alone. plus student loans are not really counted too much to help our scores. I think payments on installments loans would be a great boost.

  7. A new One

    A new One Guest

    RE: hey a new one.

    Roni, Thanks, not only for this advice, but for everything. Even the laughs when you have to "talk" to a board member.

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