Help!! I need to find a secured card from a credit union or someplace that reports as unsecured in Texas. Does anyone know of any? The only purpose this card will serve is so that I can use it when obtaining a car permit when traveling to Mexico.
I am not sure Cap One still issues new secured cards - for the moment due to the economy tightening up. I would try credit union - explain the situation to them - they will probably hook you a secured visa quickly. IF they do not have one, check: look in their secured card section - they have them all listed. You could call the banks to find out how fast they could issue a card. Figure 2-3 weeks most likely. Question - why does it matter to MEXICO if a card is reported secured or unsecured? arrff - dogman
hotsauce - you might try - you should be able to get an UNSECURED MC - you will know online if you get a card and which one... dogman
Thanks you guys for the valuable info. To answer your question dogman: The reason for the credit card in Mexico is to get a car permit. If you do not return the vehicle to the U.S.(Mexican border agents actually pull off the sticker permit from your vehicle to make sure that it is actually yours and that the vehicle returned from Mex. IF you do not return the vehicle, an approximate amount of $200 will be charged to your credit card. IF you do return to U.S. with your vehicle you are charged only $25 for the actual permit.
I am sure you know... but I'll go ahead and state... that most of the time US insurance policies don't include Mexico... so if you're in your car in Mexico you're driving sans insurance... Canada they like... Mexico... no...
All I know about driving in MEXICO is what the RUMORS I have been told... A MEXICO citizen runs a STOP SIGN and hits you...IT'S YOUR FAULT!!! YOU CAN BE PUT IN JAIL!!! I have been told there are many buses, trains, taxis, what ever it takes...DON'T DRIVE IN MEXICO!!!
Correct George - the REAL PROBLEM is the american's NEW car is IMPOUNDED by crooked policio and politicians - and never are returned across the border again. We always park in the US and walk across the border into TJ. They have numerous US parking spots - and gosh - how long would it take to get through the line to get back into the US on the main highway through TJ heading south.... Don't drive in MX - unless you live there. aarrf - dogman