Hello all, Many thanks to everyone on this board, this is an amazing resource. I wanted to post my experience with an "un-named" bank CC: 1) I was sent an offer for a "fee" credit card a few years ago, essentially a low limit with a large percentage of that limit comprised off fees, activation charges, etc 2) I never accepted the offer, nor received the card 3) Looking at my credit report years later, I found that this bank had actually listed the account as opened, and then unpaid and charged off. The funny part of this (althought the negative line item was not amusing at the time) was that the high balance showed $0 on all 3 credit reports, yet $400 or so was "charged off" 4) of course I disputed this and it was deleted Just a warning to anyone that receives such an offer, while my case may be isolated and simply an error, more likely I think it was a devious (albeit unethical) revenue-generating strategy. Anyone else run into this or am I the only one?