Secured cards that report to all 3

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by SSgfunk, Dec 16, 2004.

  1. SSgfunk

    SSgfunk Active Member

    Which secured cards report to all three bureaus. I've been in the process of getting deletions and now I need to start getting some new positive stuff on there.

    P.S. I tried to search but evidently I the archives and I don't get along.
  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Bank of America, and American Pacific Bank are two that come to mind
  3. dario1979

    dario1979 Well-Known Member

    Navy Federal Credit Union reports to all three. and they dont pull for opening an account. and they report as regular visa/mc not as secured.
  4. snickers34

    snickers34 Well-Known Member

    Try the Target Guest Card at Reports to all 3 bureaus and is easy to get. $200 initial credit limit with fairly regular increases based on repayment history.
  5. wert

    wert Well-Known Member

    Citibank secured reports to all three
  6. snickstx

    snickstx New Member

    How do you get the Citi Secured card? I couldn't find any info on there website

  7. energyboy

    energyboy Member

    try orchard bank. When we started to re-establish, the report to all 3 CBs, and they have a grace period, and you can up-grade easily to an unsecured card. In 10 months our scores went from 550 to 650.

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