Secured Credit Card

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by meranda, May 2, 2005.

  1. meranda

    meranda Member

    Any opinions on the Eufora Secured Card?

    Any suggestions on a good secured card that doesn't require a huge deposit up front and doesn't have outrageous fees?


    Thanks again for the awesome support guys! You're all great!
  2. wizzard

    wizzard Active Member

    Here is 2

    Bank of America $250 up to $10,00.00
    Merrick Bank $300. Up

    There are no processing fees.

    Remember only 30% of the line is to be charged at one time. Keep your balance low for 6 months pay on time.
    and they may give you and unsecured card.

    A Credit Card is not Money

    It's a tool to used to make money.

  3. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    Actually i don't believe in the 30% use. I should charge almost the full credit line or a lil lower and will pay it more than the min every month, or in total eventually and then re-charge again.

    I have seen that i get much more increases when i use my cards close to the top of the Cr line.
  4. wizzard

    wizzard Active Member

    Geo, that may work for you.

    Here we are trying to rebuild credit.

    At this point all credit lines should be kept low
    believe me I have had lines as high as $15000
    It's not fun paying $450 a month and you are at your limit.

    In the beginning keep balances low for 6 to 12 months. Practice paying off monthly. We need to
    develop skills and methods of using CC.

    They are not money but a tool used to make money!


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