1) Get a new address in another state (PO BOX) 2) Let any judgment go to default 3) Wait for your home state SOL to expire 4) Contest the default judgment in the other state as "not properly served" and/or "not served in correct county" How does the CA or OC determine where to file suit? The "Current Address" on your credit report? Any comments or info is appreciated!
Perhaps you should run this question by an attorney. If you use this as your main tactic, you should expect to pay one, so you might as well ask one now.
If you ever have creditors gang up on you (like LizardKing did), they will find these things out, especially if you have any significant $ on the line. So no, it won't work and I wouldn't advocate it.
You cannot knowingly evade process of the court . . . at least not legally. Moreover, trying to vacate a judgment is difficult enough. Committing fraud on the court does not often help this process.