sent a 30 and 60 day validation .

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by joer, Feb 4, 2002.

  1. joer

    joer Well-Known Member

    I have a collection account showing on my CR from fleet bank.I sent them a 30 day validation with no response,then i sent them a 60 day with no response.What is my next move?Do i sue them? And if it comes down to that,Do i go to small claims court or.....
  2. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Have you sent the estoppel letter? If not, send it. Also, be sure you're sending all your letters CRRR. If after estoppel, still no response, you could send copies of green cards and letters you sent to the CA to the CRA's, and ask for deletion. They may still perform an investigation, however they usually hold the CA to a higher standard then a generic response of "yes we have joer in our system". If it comes back verified again, send CRRR an intent to sue ltr to the CA, wait 30 days, if no response, it may be time to file.

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