sent validation letter...but

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bacci40, Mar 13, 2005.

  1. bacci40

    bacci40 Active Member

    letter was recieved by ca on 3/10 (just got back the reciept)

    ca continues to call me daily

    is this a violation?
  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Did your letter specifically state that you were to be contacted by mail only?
    If so then yes, they have continued collection activity (ie: calling you) before validation.
    If not, they will reason that they are in the process of validating your account

    Was your letter to them within the first 30 day time period, so that they could not assume the debt was valid?
    If so, then yes, they have violated the FDCPA

    You need to document in writing by keeping a log of calls they make with date / time / person / details of conversation in order to build a case against them
  3. bacci40

    bacci40 Active Member

    yes to both and thx...i have been doing that

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