Wiretapping: Federal Law only requires ONE of the two parties on the phone to know about the conversation being recorded. I interpret this to legally allow anyone to record any of their phone conversation whether or not the other party knows since the one party consent has been met (you are one of the two parties) SOME state laws require BOTH parties to consent to the recording which means you have to make the party aware of the recording. I interpret this to mean you have ask the other party for their permission to record the phone conversation. So if you want to record you conversations, check what state the caller is calling from and then record away if they are in a one-party state as well as you. However, if they are in a two party state then ask first or you could subject yourself to legal action. Am I right about this ? I read this law a few times but I doesn't hurt to get opinions from knowledgeable folk. I was gonna use this law today as I was being scammed by telephone earlier today.
There was a post from a couple of months ago that had each states laws concerning recording phone calls. Do a search. Charlie
JUST RECORD ANYWAY~~~ If you need the information...write it out long hand on your notepad...make a "FEW MISTAKES" and scratch out some stuff... YOU WERE TAKING NOTES JUST LIKE HIGH SCHOOL or COLLEGE!!! "What state and what number are you calling from what is your business name, and how do you spell your first and last name~~~YES I'M TAKING NOTES"
I'M NOT SAYING "PRODUCE THE TAPE IN COURT AND COOK YOUR OWN GOOSE" If you RECORD, then scribble out notes like in HIGH SCHOOL or COLLEGE...scratch out some stuff, spell the name wrong or "sounds like name"...could be GREG or CRAIG...what ever works...
<YOU WERE TAKING NOTES JUST LIKE HIGH SCHOOL or COLLEGE!!! > Thanks for the chuckle. Reminds me of a story my grandma told me when she was taking college course in the 70's. In one class, some students would show up, place a tape recorder on their desk and record the class for later listening. Then some started to only leave the tape recorder while they went surfing or something. Eventually, all the students starting doing the same thing. One day a student showed up in the middle of class only to find the professor had pre-recorder his class and was playing it during the class. There was not a human in the room.
I had a highschool teacher that did that. Recorded the lesson during the first class of the day and played it back for all the rest... We hated him
I don't believe you have to *ask* the other party, you just have to *inform* them. "I will be recording this call for *training purposes*!"
I agree except if you are trying to GET something OUT of them... Like an admission of something or whatever. I've tried different ways and without fail EVERY TIME I let them know I'm taping they hang up... They'll say all kinds of stuff if they don't think you are taping though... For some reason the CSRs think that being recorded is VERY BAD even though the company they work for records on a regular basis (some record EVERY call).
Fwiw, If the other party has already informed YOU that they are recording the call, you DO NOT need to inform them that you are taping it too. When you have them on the phone, ask them if they are, or might be, recording the call. Being the intimidation-mongers that they are, they will nearly always answer "yes". There's your notice. Record away. Radi8