settle old judgement?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by delphipgmr, Aug 1, 2008.

  1. delphipgmr

    delphipgmr Member


    i have a couple old judgements that will fall off my credit report in a year or so (they are ~ 6 yrs old now)

    now of course i happen to have found a house im seriously considering buying (its one im renting now). in order to get an FHA loan, these will have to be paid off.

    of course, i could try to wait it out, but im curious, if i wanted to pay them off, what kindof discount is possible (If i got a lawyer or whatever)

    the judgemnts are 8K for capital one, and 4K for an old landlord.

    i mean if i can pay XX% of it and get rid of it, it might be worth it.

    other factors. i live in florida which is a judgement safe state (the judgements are from another state).. basically, in order for them to get their money, they would have to re-sue me again down here, so basically they cant touch anything anyway.

    any thoughts on how to proceed?
  2. flacorps

    flacorps Well-Known Member

    How long have you lived in Florida?

    How long until judgments expire in your former state(s) of residence?

    Can you lease-option the home until your reports are clean enough that some program (maybe not FHA) will take you?

    Have you tried disputing off the judgments?

    You need a mortgage broker with lots of experience writing B/C paper and it's possible some savvy moves would avoid having to go back and touch these.

    I know someone who just bought a home in Florida with run-of-the-mill financing who had an old, unexpired judgment against them in the six figures. It never even came up in the vetting process.

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