Settled Card over 6 months ago and still has not zeroed my acct.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by taswell, Mar 6, 2011.

  1. taswell

    taswell New Member

    I settled my HSBC acct over 6 months. I made my last payment on 8/23/10. I still rec've monthly statements and every time I call I get told "someone is working on it. Allow 1-2 more billing cycles. I disputed this on my credit report and they had to update that as a 0.00 balance.. But what in the heck else can I do to get them to honor their end and show my balance as 0.00??
  2. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    It shouldn't take more than 90 days for them to update your credit reports. Dispute it as inaccurate through the CRAs and write HSBC a letter demanding that your reports be updated immediately. Apart from suing them, that's really the best you can do.
  3. taswell

    taswell New Member

    I did dispute it through Transworld and it was marked as paid on my Credit report. I will write a letter today to HSBC as this is enough.

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