Settled in full vs Paid in Full Val

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bobcat2414, Jan 7, 2002.

  1. bobcat2414

    bobcat2414 Active Member

    I was reading the recent thread about validating paid collections. I was wondering if there were any problems with using the same tactic when the account was only settled in full.


  2. bobcat2414

    bobcat2414 Active Member


    The account is Capital One

    The letter I was considering is this one:

    Name of Old Fully-Paid Acquaintance
    City, STATE ZIP

    To Whom It May Concern:

    I am formally requesting that you validate all tradeline notations you have submitted to the three major credit reporting agencies by â??NAME OF COLLECTION AGENCYâ? or â??NAME OF ORIGINAL CREDITORâ? for me, YOUR NAME, for account number XXXXXXXXX.

    Due to possible inaccuracies in these CRA reports, I must demand that the validation I hereby lawfully request be in the form of a notarized statement by a person with original knowledge of the debt as it was constituted and who can testify that the debt was incurred legally, was not subsequently disputed as a result of returned, faulty, or recalled consumer products, was not utilized as a profit-loss tax deduction during the period it may have been payable, and was not claimed as a loss with any insuring entity during the period it may have been payable. Please be advised that I am not requesting a verification that you have my mailing address; rather, I am requesting validation, i.e., competent evidence that I had some contractual obligation sans consumer protection encumbrance which incurred the original claims associated with this tradeline.

    I have enclosed two documents which will verify my address: a photocopy of a [YOUR STATE] Driverâ??s License and a photocopy of a recent [NAME OF UTILITY OR TELEPHONE COMPANY] statement.

    Please know that you have 30 days from the tracked and confirmed delivery of this lawful notice to either answer these demands or to remove the associated negative tradeline notations from the CRA reports. Any other action may constitute evidence of your intent to abridge one or more civil or other constitutional rights. Please be further advised that continued unsubstantiated reporting of possible inaccuracies to third parties may provide a basis for criminal complaints being filed in accordance with FDCPA, FCRA, and other federal statutes.

    I look forward to a timely and amicable resolution to this matter.

    Sincerely yours,

    Your Name
    City, STATE ZIP

    I think credit for the letter goes to Doc? Sorry if I have it wrong.
  3. bobcat2414

    bobcat2414 Active Member

  4. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't give them anything more than say the account number. Make them work for it. Keep it simple. Other than that the letter sounds fine.

  5. bobcat2414

    bobcat2414 Active Member

    Thanks, I just wanted to make sure they could not come back after me after I had settled with them.

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