Settled Lawsuit for $1,000,000

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by helpwanted, Dec 20, 2002.

  1. reddevil

    reddevil Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry if my response bothered anyone. I wasn't passing moral judgement, I was just pointing out that he CAN declare BK on this judgement. I did so rather forcefully because the previous posters had suggested otherwise.

    If he doesn't declare BK, he's screwed for life. It took me the last 14 years to make $1M GROSS salary, and I'm somewhere around the top 10% salary range. He'll never pay it off. And as long as it sits on his CR (and as long as all of the potential creditors know full well that he can, should, and at some point assuredly will declare BK to get rid of it), no creditor in their right mind is going to lend him a dime. He's a BK waiting to happen, he should just make it happen and get it done with.

    He needs to deal with the moral dimension also, but that's separate.
  2. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    no worries my way, reddevil!

  3. lestx

    lestx Well-Known Member

    Helpwanted, I may have missed something here but what is a prosecutor doing involved in a civil case?

  4. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    I don't know about other states, but in VA a DUI is a misdemeanor, and if there is a fatality it becomes felony manslaughter.

  5. lestx

    lestx Well-Known Member

    I thought that there was only a seat belt ticket issued.

    And this whole case was a civil matter
  6. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    You're right, I got this mixed up with another thread about a DUI.

  7. lestx

    lestx Well-Known Member

    Hey Helpwanted,I agree with devil about CH7 being his only out of this.I am 99.9% sure he can discharge the judgement that way.The plaintiffs attorney has got to be a lunatic for pursuing a million dollar judgement against a 20 year old, there is no quick cash in it for him so what was the point?

    And who is this embecile of an attorney that the boys
    parents came up with? He should have sued the boys parents insurance company IMMEDIATLEY after
    they were filed on.

    He needs to find a GOOD lawyer for his bankruptcy.
    I dont know what size town you live in but I would peruse the judge from the first trials campaign contribution list and hire an attorney from the firm
    at the top of that list. If not at least hire the one that
    the judge plays golf with. Of course the BK will be in federal court but the lawyers stroke locally could go a long way in keeping the plaintiffs attorney at bay during the BK proceedings.

    This will leave his parents with all the exposure if their attorney the did not get a release after the first trial (and I have got the feeling the half-wit did not).
    If they come after them then EVERYBODY needs to go for the insurance company,after all thats why we pay premiums, right?

    Just my .02 but if you have been honest with your posts it seems like he should have luck in this direction.

  8. socratic00

    socratic00 Active Member

    This story is nothing new. People in general suck. The organizations they create and serve suck. I would dare say without hesitation that this girls death was the best thing that happened in the eyes of her greedy parents. I doubt they give a rats ass about the daughter but are quite pleased with the new home, new money and new cars. One must protect themselves in this society or become victom to the first slithering predator to come along.

    Trust noone, question everything, and have an arsenal of attorneys at your fingertips, or die penniless, abused and brutally raped by what you thought was your best friend.

    Call me cynical? I don't think so.
  9. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Live and learn, socratic, the learning and loving along the way are the important parts. You can't take any of those pennies earned through living so miserably with you anyway. It's the journey that counts!

  10. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    1*I have read somewhere that certain judgments, like dwi
    2*Where is the auto insurance company in this?
    1* This was not DWI.
    2*Where they always are trying to weasel out of paying claims. That is why Mandatory auto Ins. is a big joke .
    You have the state forcing you to buy a product that don't exist.

    LB 59
  11. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Amen, lbrown59! Exactly! I am so fed up with auto insurance policies.

    I got hit in the back in a hit-and-run accident where I got the license number of the offending party (which was written up in the police report as the party at fault). All of his license/insurance info was there for the taking. My company would not pursue it - saying that I would be the one to pay for the damages to my car and I would be the one to take the "hit" on my insurance history.

    They wouldn't even file a claim with his insurance company. What in the world am I paying them for?????
  12. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Marci, how long ago was this? What company? It doesn't make sense, and there are things you can do about it, if it hasn't been too long ago.

  13. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    One of the MAJOR complaints concerning Forced auto insurance was the fact that you were forced to buy it while no safe guards were put in place requiring insurers to pay claims.

  14. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    He wasn't drunk, or under the influence of anything, but the car was registered in my parent "in-laws" names and they were included in the lawsuit. My father in law owns his own company and a home fully paid worth $200,000.
    helpwanted |
    With two insurance companies involved why aren't the plaintiffs pursuing both of them rather than your B I L. ?
    What do they think insurance is for?

  15. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Your BIL and his parents are in this mess because of the screwed up way insurance is written.

    You think that you are buying insurance to protect you from liability when in fact it is creating a lability !

  16. lestx

    lestx Well-Known Member



  17. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    I know, keep reading, I was using it as one example of something I had read. Reddevil came up with the statute that covered what I was talking about, which didn't seem to apply (luckily) to Help's situation.
  18. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    like you I'm glad it didn't too.
  19. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Good grief! Thats baloney. I received a letter just this last month from an insurance company that a car registered to my Dad was involved in an accident in CA with their insured. They wanted to know how he planned to pay for the damages?

    (Which also led to me locating the car and having it popped from the dirtbag driving it <grin>) Point being, they are giving you the runaround!
  20. lestx

    lestx Well-Known Member

    Outside the corporate world, In the realm of individual responsibility (you and me ) they have
    a word for this................FRAUD.

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