Here is the situation in which a settlement has been extended to me and I need input. (as in if this were you..... ) The account is an OC account. Opened in the 1980s and defaulted on in later part of the 1980s. I have since had *2* bks (ok, life in the earlier part was hard). This OC has: Violations: - trade-line is STILL listed on my credit report â?? 12 years after discharge. - The account reports closed w/ a zero balance & that it was included in a BK, BUT it is erroneously reporting that it was in a BK in Sept. 1998 - changed the DOLA to be 9/1998 ( re-aging) - Updating my credit report 7 AFTER discharge. (â??continued collectionsâ?) - Pulling my credit report on an account that was discharged is â??continued collectionsâ?. - Pulling my credit report without permissible purpose. I say they have 6 violations. They want to settle for 1K only for the non-pp. I KNOW that an atty will cost them at least 5K right? What would you do if this were your situation?
Will they remove it completely? My attorney told me he will always negotiate a 1K settlement, plus his fees for him, and a complete removal, so that the debt is disolved. If they will agree to remove it completely and forgive the debt, plus remove all entries plus the 1 K, I'd take it. I'm not looking to get rich, I'm looking to clean up my credit report, and 1K is better than No K, and if you get it deleted, that was the purpose to begin with. Good luck, and let us know what you do.
Hi CRDTogood. The offer to delete it stands regardless of the outcome because of the age. It was due to fall off my report in 1995 (Yes, you're reading that right) so that's not much incentive. Nor is forgiving it because it was discharged in my bk. What irks me is that I went to them on the non-pp and requested the deletion and 1K in damages and they ignored me - completely blew me off. It wasn't until I phoned the CEO of the company and spoke with his secretary that I got their attention. Years ago, this same OC tried to sue my grandmother because she wouldn't make my payments and she wasn't even on the loan! I'm a bit put out that they only want to cough up the original 1K when they were in clear violation of so many other things. And don't get me wrong, I'd offer the olive branch of no suit in exchange of the 1K and deletion to many other violators but this is one of two that I am dealing with that I really think should be held accountable. I appreciate your input however and I will keep you up to date on this.
I don't have any real advice but for the 5 minute attorney I spoke with said you have to proove intent....were they deliberately reporting incorrect info or was it an error...did they correct it? Is it off the report? If it's off now it's tough to go forward, but if it's still there, you're golden...good luck and keep us posted!!!