Settlement Letter Saga part II

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Julie, Aug 9, 2002.

  1. Julie

    Julie Member

    Hello Guys,
    I took your advice and called the ca back regarding the settlement letter. According to their lawyer, they need can take a check by phone. I said i would send them a check by Fedex. This is not an option since they are doing me a favor by not suing. They also said, that by saying settled, my credit will improve. I said, i had friend who said otherwise. The ca, returned with they are doing me a favor, I have until the end of the day today to respond or they will sue. I will fax them the voodoochild letter in minutes. Thanks. Now what. I have the money to pay. What are attorney's fees.
  2. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    wow. by giving them a check over the phone you are breaking about every no no in the book. They can just use it over and over and I hope you have this is writing also. I do not know the story here as I do not remember your thread but they are setting you up for a nasty fall.
  3. Julie

    Julie Member

    No, perhaps its not clear. I refuse to give them a check over the phone. (I did to the previous CA and failed to get an agreemen in writing and they claimed that they had not made an agreement with me. But they had.) IN addition, I just returned to the office, and it seems the CA called my job three times in one day, and got into a shouting argument with the receptionist regarding my whereabouts. He said "I demand to speak with ...or I will sue her. Now the rececptionist is angry and is claiming her nerves where so shaken she needs to take a sick day because of me. We are waiting for my boss to see what will happen.
  4. Julie

    Julie Member

    What nasty fall. Lawsuit.
  5. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    That is a big, big violation, and I would head straight to the courthouse and file a lawsuit or, go to an atty and file in federal court. They just blew it and that could cost them a great deal of money.
  6. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    I would immediately file a lawsuit for violations of the fdcpa. I would supbeona the "drama queen" receptionist as a witness... as a matter of act, I would have her write a statement and get it notarized !(for small claims, that might work!)
  7. susitna

    susitna Well-Known Member

    This is more than a FDCPA violation, don't go small claims with these twits. Call an attorney and get an appt. ASAP. You now have this company by the ----!

    Get a written statement from the receptionist and your boss if possible, detailing the collector's actions and the effect this is having on your job. Get this statement ASAP so nobody forgets the jist of the conversation.

    Remember, you now have complete control over this situation, the CA will try to make you think this is no big deal. Don't let them persuade you into paying anything!
  8. voodochild

    voodochild Well-Known Member

    Hi julie,
    I am truely flattered that you have given your letter the name VOODOCHILD letter. I thought you should know that it was a hybrid version of a letter I found on the internet. Styled to suite my requiremnets. Before I sent that letter I did alot of homework and basically caught the other party in numerous violations, Both FDCPA & FCRA. When I get the chance I will post a not so nice letter I sent to these folks that got them to listen to me.

    If this item is not past the sol, you may have wanted to send another letter, I am unfamiliar with dealing with these types of issues. If you do have the time, let them step on their own feet. It looks as though they have already begun doing this. Don't be intimidated.

    good luick!
  9. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Have her include a statement that she was horrified and had the shits so bad she messed up her entire house.

  10. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    What nasty fall. Lawsuit.
    Julie |

    No they will use the same check to drain every cent out of your checking account forever.
    Don't ever pay them with a check from your personal checking account.!
    Don't beleive it let me tell you what Sprint did to me .
    Sprint cashed 2 photo copied checks one for $42 which was a copy of the original check that had already cleared the bank they collected $42 on this photo copy twice and $42 once on the original Which made 3 times they collected on one 42 dollar check.
    They also collected twice on another check copy for 25 bucks for a total of $50 on it.
    Now do you understand why they are insisting that you pay by check????

    L.B. 59

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