Shaggy Dog Story

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bagelwoof, Nov 27, 2008.

  1. bagelwoof

    bagelwoof Member

    I have a charge off showing on my credit report that's legit. I have paid it, and I never disputed the debt. I owed it. I really, really meant to pay it on time...

    It would be great if I could get the CO removed, or have the account report differently. I don't expect it, but it would be nice.

    Truth is stranger than fiction. Here's what happened:
    About two years ago, I moved cross country, closing down a rental in Fort Worth, and starting a tenancy in New Hampshire. I terminated the usual services and provided forwarding addresses for them to send a final bill.

    Some of the bills I got, and some, well...

    Sometimes the weather here in NH isn't so pleasant. In winter the flavor of unshine is usually snow, and sometimes ice and often snow and ice. The usual remedy for the snow is a snowplow attached to a ten wheel dump truck. Believe me when I say that a snowplow does a spectacular job of detaching mailboxes from their posts on the side of the road. It's a sight to see. It's funny when it happens to someone else. You think M80s are good at scattering someone's mail? Try a plow attached to a ten wheel dumptruck traveling at 35MPH. (POW! "Aw, crap.")

    My mailbox got smashed 6 times in 3 months. I replaced it 3 times (with $10 cheapies from Home Depot), and I do have receipts.

    So, one day I got a bill from a collections agency concerning my TXU account. I was kind of horrified that I'd forgotten about them. I paid. In full. No squabbles. But... It went to collections, and it's correctly on my credit report as a charge off.

    I know sometimes a creditor will change their tune if asked nicely. I've also gotten out of tickets by making the cop laugh, fessing up and being apologetic, or both. Does anyone know if TXU is willing to play ball?
  2. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Save your stamp...TXU is relentless in their belief they must screw up your credit for 7 years.

    Then again its the holidays. If you don't ask, it certainly won't happen.
  3. bagelwoof

    bagelwoof Member

    I wanna believe in Santa Claus!

    They're the last current problem that's showing up. I can still probably get a mortgage (even now) with them showing up, so I guess I should try.

    As you say, if you don't A-S-K, you don't G-E-T.

    I have one other open problem, which is probably going to be a longer fight than I want. I should start a different thread for that.

    Thanks for your advice.

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