Shazam, I need quick help

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tourmo, Apr 9, 2002.

  1. tourmo

    tourmo Active Member

    I just paid of 4 different CC balances ($6000) in the middle of March. All negative trade lines. Only one of the cards has reported a $0 balance. My mortgage is going to the lender in 3 weeks. Is there a way to get these people to report? I have tried calling them and they all say they report in 30-60 days and can't give me a definitive date. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Have them FAX you a letter stating todays balance and date of last payment.
  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Did you try and get the lates deleted before you dropped all that cash to pay them off? Charlie

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    ...or do you have ON-LINE ACCESS to these accounts...PRINT YOUR PROOF YOURSELF...
  5. tourmo

    tourmo Active Member

    When push comes to shove I will have them fax me a letter stating the balence. But, at this point I am fighting two battles. The short hall is my mortgage, just a couple points on EQ or TU could save me $4000 in my down payment. Hence the reason I want my $0 balences. I may get those couple points. The long hall is completely repairing my credit. Yes, charlie, they have been disputed. But as Psychdoc says, it is my debt, I screwed up, I owe the money. I will pay all my debts. Then it will be easier to have the negs removed.
  6. tourmo

    tourmo Active Member

    Has anyone delt with AMEX-RMA? Any hints on the right person to talk to? Same goes with Providian.
  7. tourmo

    tourmo Active Member

    Still wondering if anyone has any suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    This is another major problem with both The CRAs and Fico.
    Their information and the score is always out dated.
  9. tourmo

    tourmo Active Member

    anyone, anyone, bueller

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