
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by msjackson, Feb 7, 2002.

  1. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    I have 8 letters going out which is going to cost approx. $35. Not complaining or anything because I know in end it will all be well worth it. Just wanted to know if anybody else spends this much on letters going out per week? Just curious.

    I would like to split them up but being so anxious to get the ball rolling I would rather get them all out at once.

    I do know one thing, you MUST be organized during the entire process (keeping track of letters sent out, keeping track of green cards received back, dates, etc.) or you are sure to give your brain a major rush.
  2. $wealth$

    $wealth$ Well-Known Member

    I hear ya! Just yesterday I spent approx. $ 22.00 in certified mail.

    I think it's worth it, because in one of the certified I sent out was a copy of the green return receipt, proving they received my letter and had not responded in the given timeframe as prescribed by law.

    Can't waite to see what happens now:)
  3. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    Now thats what I'm waiting for!!!! This is only my 3rd round (1st round approx. $20, 2nd round approx. $17) so I've gotten only a few green cards back but can't wait until they start rolling in and the 30 days start flying by with no response.
  4. monij2000

    monij2000 Well-Known Member


    It is best to send them out at once, that way you don't have to keep track of a whole bunch of different dates! Trust me, $30 or $40 in the end is much more cost effective than a lifetime of interest charges! (and cheaper than paying a repair co. to do it for you!)
  5. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    Yes, I spent over $20 on Tuesday. I sent letters to the P.O. box and the street address. I have started sending alot of my letters priority mail rather than certified because some of the green cards have not been coming back to me. They have delivery confirmation and it's supposed to be there in 2-3 days. They cannot refuse it like CRRR mail.

    What I did is send 1 priority with delivery confirmation and 1 certified mail. Either way they will get it and I'll have proof that they received it.
  6. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    Ms Jackson,

    organization of some sort is essential. I have three ring binder that i use for my credit stuff and i used to keep my and hubbys together but just started seperating his stuff (too much paper). I have a file folder on the current stuff that i can carry with me to work if I want to work on my credit or make calls. and yes, i have spent over $30 at a time sending out letter, i am doing credit repair for both of us, but as you can see, i am seeing a difference
  7. Desdemona

    Desdemona Well-Known Member

    I know I went through my credit card statements to see how many times I had to pay for my credit reports and how much I paid. I'm lucky, all my credit boos are paid, but if I took all the money I spend on credit reports and postage I could have made a nice monthly credit card payment. Could have paid my DSL bill for 3 months. Could have spend more on my "non-honeymoon" honeymoon. This list could be endless...
  8. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    Excellent ideas betacredit & uniondiva - I think I'll try, but so far so good with the returning of the green cards for me but just in case I start NOT receiving them I'll try betacredits idea. Thanks.
  9. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    I have managed to save major money by faxing items. For CAs, call and ask for fax number...say that you'd like to fax in a resume (HAHA).

    It seems to have been just as effective.

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