I'm an au on my husband cap1 account. I keep reading on many boards that cap 1 is not a good cc because they don't report cl. our cl is 2700 right now we have a balance of 490. but; I'm assuming here, that since cap 1 doesn't report a cl it looks like the card is maxed out. is this hurting my score? should I have my husband remove me as an au? the cap1 account has been active since 2002 (not along time) the only other tl on my cr with any length of time is my sl from 2001? I have 3 tl's (2 on exp, they aren't reporint cap one) in total 1 cc with 400 cl and my sl.
Cap1 will report your "credit limit" as the highest balance reached on the account. Example, if one month you charged $2,000, they will report that as your "credit limit". Many people have gotten around this reporting glitch by charging up the balance, and then paying it off after the billing cycle has closed.
Since I am no fan of Cap1,my advice will probably be biased.Dump Cap1 for you and husband.Find a cc that reports properly and get that card as either individual account or joint.