Should I get rid of Providian?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Mook, Aug 23, 2002.

  1. Mook

    Mook Active Member

    I have successfully rebuilt my credit through a combination of discipline, disputing, and time. I now have enough prime credit to suit my needs. My question is should I get rid of my Providian card? I am sick and tired of Providians nonexistant customer service and high interest rates. Not to mention I will never use this card in public since I would be too embarassed.

    I have about 25k in prime credit with several 7+ year old tradelines. I carry no debt.

    My providian has a $1700 limit and is about 2-3 yrs old. Is it worth it scorewise to keep this open for the sake of ratios and avg age of accounts. Or should I just get rid of this subprime card and be done with it.

    FWIW, Although I hate Providian, I was grateful to have this account while things were rebuilding.


  2. miles

    miles Well-Known Member

    Your ratios are good and you can do without the limit reporting, I'd say get rid of it. It is definately not your oldest card. Say goodbye to Providian and keep movin'. :)
  3. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    Since you have several 7+ year old tradelines, and the credit line is low, the Providian card is probably adding nothing to your scores.

    I'd dump them.

    (We only keep them because they're our only 3+ year bank card.)

  4. suedan217

    suedan217 Well-Known Member

    I would dump it personally. If not just on principle alone. From what you wrote, I match just about everything. They were good when I was rebuilding, but I cancelled the cards because I no longer needed them. And they have the worse customer service reps and managers. I decided not to give them one penny more. Especially in the way of annual fees.

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