I have 2 student loans from 1996 that I think were joint with my father. 1 of them was for $1500 and only reviewed one month, the other one was also for $1500 and says NA in every spot they have (accept the original amt.) would it matter any if I got one of those off? I don't remember it being joint but it says it is so who knows. Should I just leave it alone? Or dispute it? Also I have an old acct. with Cross Country that hasn't been updated since 6/00, I know I owe them $80 but it shows my acct as paid never late, but it still shows open, should I leave that alone or should I cross my fingers dispute and hope it falls off and doesn't show the ba;ance owed? Thanks everyone! Kellie
The trade lines appear to be older trade lines that should benefit you. I would leave them alone. CardKid