I got a letter from TransUnion on Friday, saying that they would not reinvestigate my dispute anymore, they found it to be frivolous. The total of all of the collection accounts I owe is $449. Not nearly what it was..... 1 of the collections ($247) is for a hospital bill for my daughter, my husband is military, it should have been paid by TriCare...but some how it ended up on my EQ credit report..how they got my SSN# is beyond me and I haven't had a job since we moved to her in 2000. So I am wondering what I can do on that one. Will it hurt me more to pay it or should I just let them come off? Please shed some light on this for me....I have done all that I know to do. Have had good results until now.
Demand that Transunion document the procedure which was used to verify the information as accurate. Send this to their 555 W Adams address in Chicago.
Thank you. I have only been at it since Dec. I will have to pay the one they won't dispute now right?, or just let it come off? Congrats on all your great progress. It gives me much hope.
Look IMHO TU is the easiest to deal with just give it a few months and try again. My scores were in the high 400's im now at the mid 600's in a month and a half of repair. It can be done, dont loose the faith.
Checked my credit report yesterday, and to my delight, one of the collections came off of Experian. But one is better than none.
If you have something that should have been paid by Tricare, your first move should be to contact Tricare, and your next move, if they don't take care of it, is to the JAG office. Before the days of Tricare, I kept getting dunned for something that was covered by CHAMPUS. Turns out that CHAMPUS had paid it, but of course they pay less than the doctor bills. He thought he could bill me and get more money. It wasn't the first time. He'll never practice medicine for the military again.
No problem. I hate seeing our service members, veterans or their families being ripped off. After all, they are the ones who put their lives on the line for our freedom.
Hi Bama, Follow Hedwig. You must first determine the EXACT 'reason" TriCare failed to pay. The Devil is in the details on these. : )
well I took a chance on disputing it since i've seen it worked for others on here.....and it worked. Thanks for your advice.
It got the entry off of your reports, but still check with TriCare to see if they paid, how much, and why not if they didn't. Getting it off your reports is one thing, but making sure it's not a valid debt if it shows up from another CA later is a different story.