Should I pay?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by willtite, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. willtite

    willtite Well-Known Member

    I had made an agreement with a CA for a payment plan to pay them $90 a month. I looked at my CR and seen a debt of 1900 but the debt owed was $2900. I sent them a DV letter and I got the return receipt the other day. Should I pay the next payment which is due on the 24th? Or just wait until I hear something back from the CA.

    Thanks for any input.
  2. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member

    You don't make any "agreements" witha CA unless they are in writing. In this case, how many $90 payments? How will the debt be reported when you are finished paying? Did you make any payments? Is the debt still withing the Statute of Limitatioins? Has the CA committed any FDCPA or FCRA violations?
  3. willtite

    willtite Well-Known Member

    I made the agreement over the phone about 2 weeks before I found this web site. I agreed to 36 payments of $81. I have only made one payment thus far and the next isn't due til 4/25. I didn't ask how it would be reported when it was paid off. I just noticed that it was $1942 in collections but the debt they have me paying off is $2917. I live in PA so I think the SOL is 7 years, the account is listed in collections as of 09/00 but it also listed open as of 05/04. I know for a fact I have not paid on this account at all, except for the $80 I paid last month.

    I wish I had of found this site before I spoke to them on the phone. I sent them a DV letter. Any suggestions on what else I should do would be greatly appreciated.

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