to make arrangements with them to settle charge-off from 10/98 using PFB? Ultimately I'd like to restablish myself with them. I had a $5k limit with $3200 owed to them at time of charge-off. Is this out of the question?
Find out when the SOL is up in your state. If they HAVEN'T contacted I might hold out until the SOL is up in your state that way the ball is more in your court. If the SOL is up call and offer 50% for deletion, if they say no, I would put it bluntly, either you get paid and I get deleted or you get nothing.
i tried that with them and mr cooke said once the account is charged off they cant take balance and put onto another capitol one account
That is true, but they WILL open a new account for you with similar terms to your charged-off account...that's what they did for me.. jmart
jmart, how old was the charge-off? how much? what was your new balance and limit? what did your report say about the charge-off once they opened new account?
The charge-off was for $1200.. I had settled it a few months previously with Cap One for 50%. I wrote a PFB offering to pay the remaning balance on the settled account if they open a new account for me and delete the charge-off'ed account entirely from my credit reports. Worked.. jmart