Should I wait?..Need Advice

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Killer, Dec 26, 2000.

  1. Killer

    Killer Guest

    I am ready to send out letters to two companies asking for deletion in exchange for payment. I just learned that I will need to move to a near-by city. Should I send the letters and depend on the postal service to forward correspondences? Or should wait until I am settled in and my new address is listed with bureaus?
  2. Brandon

    Brandon Guest

    RE: Should I wait?..Need Advic

    How long will it be before you move? If it isn't long you may want to get the ball rolling because you never know how long they are going to take to make the deal. You can always give your new information in the letter and still have the post office forward correspondence.
  3. Killer

    Killer Guest

    RE: Should I wait?..Need Advic

    I will move by the end of 01/2001.
  4. molly

    molly Well-Known Member

    RE: Should I wait?..Need Advic

    If one of those companies is Sterling, they will reply in about 2 weeks. At least that's what they did with me. If you're in a hurry then I would start, but if you don't have a deadline then I would wait.

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