Sigh.. ok.. this is what I have.. your opinions please.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bejessie, Jul 26, 2006.

  1. bejessie

    bejessie New Member

    So here is my story.

    I was a young dumbass really broke struggeling single mother. I owned a home at 21, while making about 35,000.00 per year. I had a two family and rented one apt out. Bad tenants. I lost my job in 2000 and lost my house (forclosure)

    God I was such a dumbass back then.

    Anyway, my credit has suffered. Dearly. And I want to get my life on Track. Im older now and want to one day buy a house again.

    I have read through these boards numerous times throughout the two years, printed my reports, and gone through. I was always afraid to start the process because I was so confused, but now, I am motivated and ready to move forward.

    With that being said,

    This is what I have

    Now mind you there is NOTHING positive on my report. Only this. I am assuming I should open a secured card to get something positive on there. Has anyone done this? Does it work?

    Apparently in the state of NY the SOL is 6 years- some of these are past, but they dont list the DOL.

    In all honestly, I can pay off a few of these. But dont know if that would help me.

    Any help you guys can provide is greatly appreciated.
    date open 1/1/2000
    they do not list dol

    balance XXXXXX
    Charge off

    ******* Acceptance
    date open 11/1/01
    Type Unknown Credit Extention, review or collection closed
    Balance XXXXXXXX
    (they ended up with a judgement on this that i Have to fight. I was never served)
    ******* Acceptance
    Type Unknown Credit Extention, review or collection closed

    Collection Agency
    Seriously past due date, Assigned to attorney
    (I dont know who this is, I want to call and find out, but dont want to open lines of communication with this agency and screw myself)

    this is the killer coming up.. yall ready?

    FHA Real Estate Loan CLOSED
    Date open 3/1/00

    Unsecured Loan
    Date Open 6/1/00
    Charge-off (this is one of the asset items)

    Revolving Credit
    Open 10/1/1999

    Account transferred to another lender or claim purchased

    Unique National a Collections

    (dont know who this is either but its for 35.00 wtf??)
    Collection agency
    Seriously past due date assigned to collection agency

    Thank you all in advance!
  2. owe2much

    owe2much Well-Known Member

    I'm a newbie to the boards just like you.
    Reading gave me the courage to ask for Validation of all debts.
    I also sent cease and desist from phone contact, mail contact ok.
    Hope thats some help. My results are unknown at this time.
    It will either go away, get validated, or I'll get sued.
  3. Trying2Fix

    Trying2Fix Well-Known Member

    Not really sure what your situation is but I had a ton of things, most were several years old or older and some were more recent, but I started disputing everything as not mine with the CRA's. I would try that and see what results you get in 30 days.
  4. nightdude

    nightdude Member

    The two ****Acceptance are probably the same debt - I would address the judgement situation, since you were not served, although some states, being served is a simple newspaper ad in the public notices.
    I would be very careful, and continue to lay low, until you are positive the SOL is past, then start your disputes to the credit bureau's, it's been my experience, once you start pressing, they will quickly assign to new collection agencies (even if assigned to attorney who is just sitting on it), and if SOL not past, you leave open the chance for additional judgements if they act properly before SOL - I ended up paying a past debt as I allowed a collection agency to act by filing papers just weeks prior to SOL - be careful.
    Remember, you dispute, they will be able to find you.

    Also, one year after your state SOL, all the negatives will come off your account - except the judgement.

    Secured credit card...worked for me, wait to after SOL as credit report will show address, phone number etc....

    This is not legal advice - just what I experienced and worked for me...
  5. bejessie

    bejessie New Member

    Actually with the asset thing, I was beginning the process of trying to figure where the info was coming from. Asset found me because I contacted them in an effort to see what it was they were reporting on my account. Had I not contacted them they would have never found me.

    So I hear ya.

    They are two debts that they purchased. One is the Unsecured Loan also listed by OC on my report and one is the Credit Card (listed by OC on my report as well)

    Should I still dispute with OC even if it has been sent over to a CA?
  6. owe2much

    owe2much Well-Known Member

    I'm not telling you to dispute, because I really dont know the SOL and dont want you sued but here is what I did...
    With that said, I started my disputes with the CRA's. Some accounts were verified, and some removed, including a judgement...but it is still at the courthouse, and like you I was not served. I then I wrote to the OC for Validation if they verified the account with the CRA's. I havent heard back yet, but it has caused some activity on my report inquiries. No phone calls, as I included a cease and desist from phone contact.

    I also helped a friend dispute, he had 5 collection accounts and a judgement, now all his reports are clean except 1, and he re-disputed it. He had no problems, except Premium called, and they got a cease and desist. He was nice to them, please let me have your address so I can contact you by mail.

    As you see our results varied..his letters were nice, please remove , not my account. Mine were mean..You better validate, and remove or else.

    It is a great deal of stress to wait and see what happens, however It is better than waiting for them to knock on my door. I will post the results as they come in. And if I get the judgement overturned by a court.
  7. bejessie

    bejessie New Member

    So when you ask for verification from the CRA, do you at the same time ask from the CA and OCs? Or do you do this together? Or do you ask first from the CA and the Ocs first.
  8. owe2much

    owe2much Well-Known Member

    Not sure, I disputed with the OC and ignore the Ca's
    I do know you have to say the account is "Not Mine" with the CRA dispute.
    I just disputed info, and they report verified, even though its not.
    I now have to re-dispute with CRA's as "Not Mine" then the OC has to send proper verification (so I'm told) to the CRA's.
    Anyway the first place to start is with the CRA's

    It can be a real mess to deal with....mine is.
  9. royalnbn

    royalnbn Well-Known Member

    I did the 1-2 punch as illustrated on this and many other boards. The process is rather straight forward. You can do a search on this board for a debt validation sample letter. I chose to use a very sample one. Send this letter certified mail with return receipt. This cost $4.85 per mailing. This is sent to the collection agency. Check online to see when the receipt card is signed for and then file your dispute with the CRAs. I disputed some entris with the CRAs online and the others through the mail.

    According to those in the know, if you dispute an entry by a collection agency, they are required by law to send you validation of the debt before they can legally respond to any request for verification by the CRAs. They are also required to update your file with the CRA as being in dispute. This is a period that they are supposed to cease from attempting to collect until they furnish the required information. I take it that some simply don't valid or verify which results in a deletion. Yeah. Do a search for any collection agency on your report what others have experienced. But don't get discouraged you may have better result with some of them. I did.

    From my personal experience. This process has yeilded some positive results. At present (since 6/26/06) I have gotten double digit deletions. Only one company providing me with any form of validation. One other company told me they were investigating the matter and of the 12 others, I have had at least 8 drop off each of the CRAs. The investigation of these disputes have a completion date of 7/31 so I am hoping for more positive but I have made out well for the first assault on my credit file. So far I have gotten 32 points added to my fico score and when the soon to be deleted credit score is factored in a expect another boost. It is negatively contributing to my utilization.

    Anyway, I have a few more to deal with. These ones I haven't disputed because they are still within the SOL so I am waiting. But they are on the list too.


    I even disputed and had some inquiries removed that were placed by collectors.
  10. owe2much

    owe2much Well-Known Member

    Now that last post is good advice, please learn from my mistake.

    Dispute= "Not My Account"

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