NanaC: Sorry to do this to you, but once you decode the partial word in red you will understand why. I'm suddenly having problems with cglob not working right. It seems to be bouncing stuff all over the place. You would not be aware that it is happening unless I had some way to let you know that it is happening and this is about the only way I can do it. It just started happening today as near as I can tell. I think you already have a sneaking suspicion that it might be happening, and if so, this is to confirm it. And if you can't figure out what I am talking about then call me.
HEY.......WAIT UP.........HOLD THE TRAIN........HOLD IT................................. Whew!! I thought you guys were leaving without me. dare you leave your Junum partner. I thought we had something....a special bond. =oD I'll be disputing 3-4 accounts but first I need to get a copy of my credit reports and see what's left. Apparently Junum screwed me. I never received the last batch of results. Anyway, I'll just have to order them. I have plenty of denial to get Equifax's report.
Mother2, Not leaving last call...just getting ready and passing the word out again to get as many people on board as possible. We expect to be leaving in a week and a half (5th to the 10th of December). So relax we are not going anywhere till then. I would NEVER leave without my moms. -Peace, Dave
Try and get your dispute to the CRA between the 5th and the 10th of December. So if you do it ONLINE you can pick a date between those dates and just enter the dispute info. Same for FAX disputes. If you SNAIL MAIL your dispute...pick a few days before that to account for the mail. If you decide to SNAIL MAIL, depending on your distance from the CRA, the slow down due to the Holiday traffic, and the slow down from the Anthrax could be a couple days to a week or so before that range to send your snail mail dispute. -Peace, Dave PS Remember to keep track of your results...we are going to compare "holiday deletion %", to "normal deletion %".
Can someone post some fax numbers for the CRAs? I hate snail mail it takes too long. I have the number for TU's Buffalo office: 1-716-626-1795. Equifax main office: 1-888-345-9399 TU chester office: 1-610-546-4606 Experian main office:1-877-454-1010. I'm not sure if these are all right, if there are new ones (these are about a month old) please post them! Kellie
Hey guys, will this work if I have ChoiceData for my Equifax here locally?? I know I have some on TU i'm going to hit and maybe experian. Experian's been my toughest so far. Frustrating!! ugh!! Well, I'm in on December 5. I want to do it online except with Choicedata. I have to order that and do it by mail.
I can not say whether it will yield RESULTS but SURE it WILL WORK with CRA affiliates like ChoiceData!, The theory is mostly around the sheer mail volume during the holiday season...not necessarily from any action that we may cause in our "onslaught" of disputes to any CRA. -Peace, Dave
Speaking of mail volume during the holidays...what if we really throw them off and send them Christmas cards too!!! Kellie
If you are mailing your disputes, you are probably already too late. Count on about three weeks for disputes to get to the CRAs via USPS. Somehow the mail just seems to be slower to them.
Great!! All the more reason to get in on the C.H.O.D. and hopefully the mail will be slowed even more. If you feel you will NOT get your dispute to the CRA's by the 10th of December, dispute ONLINE! -Peace, Dave