On the back of my mbna card is a four digit number followed by a three digit number. To use the card on line i keep getting asked for a three digit number which sites go in to great detail of explaining helpfully is on the back of the card by the signiture. However mbna have quite cleverly thwarted this scheme by putting two numbers on the back of the card by the signiture. Can anyone tell me which one is the signiture panel code? Can anyone tell me on a side note why mbna are such a bunch of fvckwits?
The signature panel code is the blank/white area in the back of cour card, where you would sign it. As you mentioned in your first sentence there is a four digit # and a 3 digit #. The first four #s are the last four #s of your account #, and the second set of numbers/3 digits is the card's ID number. It's these last three numbers which are required once you enter your full account #. Hope this makes sense.
One more thing: The last 3 digits are/is a security measure. You might have mail including credit card statements stolen, but your statements only include the 16 digit account #. Ordering something online therefore requires that as additional security measures you also give them those 3 digits from the back of the card.