got a letter from TU today, they have noticed quite a few changes in my credit report over the past 2 months, they just wanted to inform me about credit repair agencies. they even quoted the law on them. I think i will send a letter explaining how they didnt help me when nasty collection agencies were..well...screwing me. then i can explain that now i am educated, i am just returning the favor. thanks to the people here, i lurked for a long time gathering information. since i started to fight 2 months ago. 3 no money deletions...they are gone 2 setteled deletions pennies on the dollar.......4 more to go and i am home free with just good tradelines on my account
Would you mind telling me how you did your deletions, especially the 'pennies on the dollar" ones? You can email me if you'd like. Thank you in advance if you can help.
the ones that were actually mine....and they showed me they are mine, i called them up and basically made a business deal. I told them i could wait out the next 18 months, or we could be reasonable. i made an offer, they countered, then i made another offer, i had to go through a few people and be persistent in letters and calls. when i did send the money order, i included ( i believe its called a limited endorsemet. and i sent an extra letter a few days ahead of my money order stating what our agreement was. with the money order i included a latter restating our agreement, and on the money oreder it said cashing constitutes an agreement to delete all credit bureaus reporting of a negative account. continental credit and progressive management kept to their end of the bargain......some other ones like AAA collectors, i sent a validation letter, they just deleted it, never even responded
Thank you, that is EXCELLENT work. "I told them i could wait out the next 18 months, or we could be reasonable." I will definitely be using this. I really appreciate it.