Got a collections letter for an account that I believe is past the SOL from Capital Management Services...which says that "this company has been engaged by Resurgent Capital Services LP" and it shows the current creditor as LVNV Funding LLC and the previous creditor as OSI/Gulf State Credit--original creditor. I believe everyone of these names are collection agencies and I think OSI/Gulf State went through bankruptcy a few years back. Any having someone sign for a letter delivered by UPS as good as having one sent by certified US mail, since someone has to sign for it in both instances? I just sent one to these ya-hoos by UPS and it looked like some "guard" signed for it, named Clark. After thinking about it, I was wondering if I need to re-send the letter I wrote via certified mail? I sent the first letter via UPS with a required signature a few days ago. After reading some old threads on here....I sent a letter asking for a ton of stuff as well as telling them I am disputing any and all aspects of the "alleged" debt that I know nothing about. Verification, validation, copy of the original contract or paperwork with my sig., a statement of account from the original creditor (not one that has been laying around in the company's system of records), a copy of the "associate entity" agreement between the collection agency and the original creditor and any and all paperwork I may have forgotten to mention. I also told them that if they will not or cannot send the required information to me then to cease all contact now and in the future about an alleged debt that I know nothing about. The "original creditor" may or may not be Providian. I can't say for sure. But I DO know it's certainly NOT OSI/Gulf State credit. From googling the's a collection agency. Also...did I ask for all the right stuff? Just one more thing. The alleged debt would have occurred when I lived in Kentucky. I believe the SOL is 5 years, but now I live in Indiana and the SOL is 6 years. Which SOL do I go by? I've lived in Indiana for about 6 years now. I'm glad I found this place. Thanks for any help and advice.
Yes, it is good enough and I wouldn't worry about a suit after it being this old. It may be time barred under both states.