BK in 2003, got removed from EQ, still fighting with TU and EX. Have gotten some of the "IIB" accounts removed here and there on various CRAs. Successfully removed numerous hard inquiries. Re-establishing credit with an Orchard Bank card which was unsecured, $300 limit now up to $500, and an auto loan. Unfortunately I have had some 30 day lates on the auto loan. In the past few weeks, applied for and got a second Orchard Bank card, again with $300 limit. Also a Target card was approved, waiting for them to send it to me as I'm not certain if it's the VISA card or the in-store card (if you don't get approved for one, they try to approve you for the other.) I presently have several disputes with the bureaus. My theory is that this resulted in the disputed items temporarily not factoring into my score, thus enabling me to get approved.