Got skinned by MBNA Done a $23 pay by phone. MBNA Charged 2 $39 returned check fees Checked with credit union and nothing was presented to them for payment from MBNA. They also charged me 15 bucks for the service. Get this MBA bilks me out of $78 and only Charges a 15 fee to give me the shaft. What a bargain! What a bargain milked for $93 and still no $23 paid on the account. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ With the way the CR Cards have been doing me lately I'm starting to favor an every day national burn your credit card day.
Re: Re: skinned by MBNA There should be no fees associated with making a payment (for one). With a $15.00 fee to make a payment, its actually cheaper to Western Union it to them, and you have recourse through WU if it is not properly posted to your account properly.
Re: Re: skinned by MBNA the $15 fee is a big ripoff because mbna knows people that pay by phone are only doing it because they want to avoid a late or over limit fee. since these late/over limit fees are $39 each they gladly pay the $15. and this fee is over & above any interest charges. this is why mbna is in the CC business BIG time.
Re: Re: Re: skinned by MBNA Payment by phone uses a mechanism of "drafting" a check off your account. The process "indirectly" makes a payment via a paper check from your checking account. Since you checked with your CU, can't they tell you whether: 1) the check was drafted 2) whether the check was paid Also, do you have set up direct on-line payments with MBNA? Generally the CC accounts let you set up electronic payments which avoid these situations, and the payment is posted directly to your account the date of the transcation.
Re: Re: Re: skinned by MBNA Since you checked with your CU, can't they tell you whether: 1) the check was drafted 2) whether the check was paid ============================== 1* they have no knowledge of any drafted check. 2*They say there wasn't any check to be paid. ****************************************************** NEW MEMBERS READ THIS. ******************************************************* > *************** GET THE BASICS HERE. ***************** >