Applied for the Cap One Business Platinum on 10/30. Dialed the number and found out I was approved and the new businesscard will be here by 11/15. Well, I now have with Cap One: 1 - Platinum Mastercard 2 - Kmart Platinum Mastercard 3 - Platinum Business VISA 4 - Cap One Auto Finance auto loan ================================= Hmmmm - seems to be down to ONLY Capital One and AMEX Green for the wallet. My feeling is when you've proved yourself INTERNALLY with Cap One - a few years later - this is the result. I like them - aroooo Dogman bark (Business Dogman)
Hi Dave - I should have posted: 1 - Platinum is $5K 2 - KMart was a $2500 card - just upgraded to Platinum - not sure - waiting to receive it; 3 - Business card - do not know yet 4 - car loan was for 30K. It seems like maybe my AUTO LOAN INCOME paperwork was distributed/updated throughout INTERNAL Cap One companies perhaps? LOL! Maybe they spotted my AMEX reporting high credit of $9434. Again, I started out by sending them $49 or $99 - getting a $500 limit in 1996. I remember it took them forever to up my limits the first year or two - but it was worth it. I never paid late or went over the limit. Current scores mid 600s across all CRAs. later - I'll post the new cards when I get them. aarrf - dogman
Hey Mom You are the example! I cannot believe that after all this crap, I am landing OK on the other side - and even looking at real estate ads. You all got the pool and vineyards put in yet? LOL? arrrff - dogman
Marie - I might be looking for a monagamous partner - hehe. It is fiber optic capacity management. Soon Dogman will be leasing the ex EXCITE@home building AERON Chairs and Herman Miller for all employees. DOGS receive special welcome. MP$40 will have top commute from Mountain View. Marie - company AUDIS for all telecommuters. aroo - dogman