Small claim/ Lawsuit- Please help

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mhoss007, Aug 26, 2002.

  1. mhoss007

    mhoss007 Well-Known Member

    I filled a lawsuit in a small claim against a Collection agency for several violations, but they did not get served because they did not receive or I probably should say they did not intentionally or willfully sign the certified mail sent by the small claim court .Since they are not served ,no body showed up from the collection agency at the court and I could not get any judgement.

    I sent them letter for validating the debt with a certified mail and return receipt more than a month ago. I got the return receipt signed by them but no response of debt validation.So what other choices I do have to bring this joker at the court.

    Expert please help.
  2. Tayla39

    Tayla39 Active Member

    Just to clarify from this written post.
    A:A letter to validate was sent not more then a month ago, with no response so
    B; A lawsuit was filed from that in less then a month?
    C: and currently your question is what to do next? ...
    Seems a short/brief time to go to court without showing good faith in wanting to work thru the validation of the debt.
  3. kellyscott

    kellyscott Well-Known Member

    You need to file against them again and have them served by a sheriff or process server this time for about $35.00. They hardly ever sign for certified mail from the court - they know whats in it.
  4. mhoss007

    mhoss007 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Kellyscott
    Sound like a great idea. And I will sure do so.
  5. ttowns

    ttowns Well-Known Member

    They don't have a registered agent for process for sevice? Go to the secretary of state website and check them out. The info will be there.
  6. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    the court clerk can give you advice on how to have them served also. If you let them know that you had tried the crrr, they will suggest process server, server by sheriff or maybe even regular mail with affadavit, depending on their procedure!
  7. mhoss007

    mhoss007 Well-Known Member

    Thank you all for the valuable advice. I really appreciate.

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