would appreciate any help on what i file in court. asset acceptance llc i sent a validation letter, all i received was a form on their letter head with the amounts owed. I sent another letter stating that didn't even begin to satisfy validation and refrenced the fcra and spears vs brennan as suggested. after 30 days i sent them another letter for validation, and listed some items that would satisfy it, nothing outrageous of course. i gave them until april 14th to respond or send a letter of deletion to the cra's and a copy to me. they have chosen not too....all they sent was a letter offering a 30% discount. i am thinking they offered me that because they cant validate. on my summons, what do i list....reporting while under validation? and how much do i sue for, california i believe allows $7000 thanks
check your state rules of civil procedure in small claims. many of those courts have forms to fill out for small claims cases and there isn't much room to enter. if you *must* file in small claims, keep it short and simple. judges have notoriously short attention spans. i simply wrote mine as "Violations of consumer rights as protected under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the Fair Credit Reporting Act." Of course, it was removed to Federal court anyway. IMO, you should skip that step and file in Federal District Court. But that's just me.
to be honest, i am hoping they just do a delete when they get the forms......or dont show up. I'm not really after money, not that i would turn it down, just want my ex wifes crap off my report. but definetly something to think about thankyou