Small Claims judgement help needed!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Rhibert, Sep 4, 2004.

  1. Rhibert

    Rhibert New Member

    Hello! I'm new to this board, and I am looking for some assistance. To make a long story short, I hired a contractor to make a repair on my home last year, he didn't complete the job and constantly stood me up but just sued me in small claims court for me to pay him and won. Well, he sort-of won. He was asking for over $250 and the judge settled it for $175 plus court costs. Anyway, I can't seem to find much information on this online so I was hoping someone can give me some advice. The judge ordered him to file a "release of judgement" after he receives my check. Unfortunately, in Texas apparently this is an all-too-common situation. Courts here for some reason tend to protect contractors over homeowners. So anyway, my questions are- how is this going to affect my credit, how long should it take to show up on my report, and is there a way to get rid of it? Thanks!

  2. chi_guy

    chi_guy Member

    This likely will have little to no impact on your credit. This is a small amount & I assume you are dealing with a small business proprietor. Their sole interest is getting paid, not reporting the transaction to CRA's. Once they get payment, they will consider the matter closed.
  3. Rhibert

    Rhibert New Member

    Well that's reassuring to hear! Yes, he is a very small business- just him. So hopefully things will be ok. Thanks!
  4. rondaben

    rondaben Well-Known Member

    one question---

    did you receive notice of the case? If not, file to have the judgement removed and then countersue for breach of contract.
  5. Rhibert

    Rhibert New Member

    I'm not sure what notice means in this case...
  6. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member


    You are being sued, appear here to defend yourself, or a judgement will be entered against you,

    (or whatever your small claims procedures are in your state.)
  7. Rhibert

    Rhibert New Member

    Oh, yes, I thought that might be what you meant, sorry. Yes, I had a summons, I appeared and contested, judge awarded plaintiff only half of what he was requesting (so I sorta won). It's a BS suit but as far as the court is concerned it is legit.
  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    They may not report it but the CRAs will likely pck up the judgment from the court.

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