Small Claims Question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by creditman, Aug 7, 2002.

  1. creditman

    creditman Well-Known Member

    Filing suit this week. Received paperwork from courthouse. By the way, the max amount in Louisiana is 2000.00, yikes!
    It costs 130.00 to file. The part that confuses me is it says I can add 50.00 for each additional defendant. Does that mean I can file 1 lawsuit and cover multipe companies?? I need to file 3...thx
  2. creditman

    creditman Well-Known Member

  3. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    I THINK that is just for defendants on the same matter. Call your courthouse, they will be able to tell you.
  4. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    OUch, that's damn expensive for such a low limit.

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