Small Claims Question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by burnzie24, May 19, 2010.

  1. burnzie24

    burnzie24 Member

    Quick question from a new guy. I have been reading a lot of material and had a question. I have an issue with American Express where the information on my credit reports is not only different on each report, but wrong as well. I am going the nutcase route after no success with any "goodwill" means.

    Anyways, if I get no positive response I understand that a trip to small claims court may be in order. My question is what costs might be associated if for some reason I lose the case. I remember reading about an 85 dollar court fee? That sound about right? Also was wondering if any sort of "counter-suit" could be filed on me. Not sure what for, but just wondering if anyone had experience with any wierd issues like that.

    Thanks for the help! Back to reading I go :D
  2. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    If the information on your reports is incorrect, you should try disputing through the CRAs as well.

    Also, small claims court fees vary from state to state. I know in WA the fee is around $35, but you should check the the fees and rules for your state/county. Counterclaims can generally be filed as well, as long as the amount claimed exceeds a certain threshold.
  3. burnzie24

    burnzie24 Member

    Thats what I am trying to read up on now. If they did file a counterclaim, what couuld it be for and what dollar amount type of thing.

    Also FYI, I know I didnt mention it, but I am signed up for online credit monitoring and have disputed multiple times with the CRA's with no luck. I get a response that it was "updated" on my report with no changes made at all.

    Nutcase letters and a couple letters about inquiries I dont remember ever making went out today certified with return reply, so we'll see what that brings.

    But overall THANK YOU to this site. Based on my reading in the past alone, I have corrected some false information and achieved just shy of a 700 credit score! Much appreciation for all the knowledge you all worked to develop and share. Thanks :D
  4. CWCR

    CWCR Member

    Do not dispute anything online

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