I just received a collection notice of sorts in regards to a hospital bill that's about two months overdue. The amount is under $100. It took several months for my insurance to figure out the bill, and this is what's left. I travel almost constantly for work, and in all honesty, I didn't notice the final (post-insurance) bill in the mail. Paying the bill is not a problem. What's my best strategy for minimizing the impact this has on my credit report? I'm hoping to buy my first house in about two years, and so not having a collection account in any amount -- even $80 -- would be a plus. If it's relevant at all, the letter from the collection bureau does not indicate that they've assumed the debt, and instructs me to make payment directly to the hospital. It simply says the account was "referred." Does this mean that they don't actually have the authority to report me (yet)? Thanks for the advice -- d.
Hospital bills get delayed all the time, often due to insurance claim issues and co-pay billing delays. Call the hospital. It may be that at this point it will not go on your reports if you pay them directly. If so, you might as well set your mind at ease. Otherwise, you can make your case that it is an insurance billing problem, and ask them to remove for your prompt payment. You are, after all, a paying customer. The sooner you deal with this, the more likely you will keep it of your reports.