So many Lates - What to Do

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by brianh777, Oct 26, 2004.

  1. brianh777

    brianh777 Active Member

    Firstly, I want to thank everyone on this board for the vast amount of knowledge and help so far.

    As of now, the position I am in / I have paid/settled all my past due debt, and am current on other (normal) debt (mortgage/auto/cc).

    We have only $1500 in credit card debt.

    My problem now is that my credit report/scores are littered with 30/60 day lates and charge offs (even tho they have been paid/settled.

    I have tried disputes, but many of these accounts are they creditors that I am currently using, and they obviously report as accurate.

    I was thinking about doing a re-fi on the house use this to pay off the car (we owe very litle on this, if it were paid off, would it be easier to dispute?)

    Are there any options? I am looking to re-fi for a long term loan (current loan is adjustable - to be raised in December).

    Thanks MUCH!

  2. bynjut

    bynjut Member

    You definately want to lock in a mortagage rate at current rates, don't let a broker tell you differently.

    Nothing you can do about the late charge-offs. I would keep the account active and pay on time from now on. You need about six months of good, on-time reporting on two good accounts to counter one late/charge off account in the eyes of any new creditor.

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