I have a total of about 20K in collection accounts (another 10K on two cards that I have payment arrangements with). I of course ignored the letters when they were sent out like an idiot and am now face with the proposition of a 493 mid score and the inevitable recriminations from the CAs. Here is my question. How can I get the information needed to send dispute letters at this point? Is it on the bureau? If I try to settle (I can probably pay 2K each month to settle debt for the next couple months) is there a letter out there I can send to ensure that they dont screw me on reporting or reselling the remainder? How can I have them removed completely from the bureau if I pay? Please help. I am constantly afraid at this point of a summons arriving. I know scores will move up quickly once these are clear, as car loan and student debt are well seasoned and paid and I can get the rest in line quickly if I clear these collections (total debt 40Kish, income 2850 monthly after taxes)