
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by doodyhead, Oct 30, 2001.

  1. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member


    LOL, numnuts, I must give you CREDIT for that post. Now who's meshugge!? (By the way, I forgot to respond to your previous posting, but I enjoyed a good chuckle. I surmise the rest of Creditnet has no idea what we're talking about.) As for Kwanzaa's participation in the planned merger, I believe Title 9 will require that; otherwise the deal between Christmas and Hannukah will surely fall through.


  2. doodyhead

    doodyhead Well-Known Member

    Maybe she meant the mortgage is making her BROKER.
  3. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Apology accepted. I have very little patience and I am sure, as many people on this board, it completely irritates me that these over-paid credit bureaus are required by law to keep accurate information, yet they don't care. It amazes me that they can have such complete disregard for a persons credit. The second a creditor calls and says 'Hey Kellie was late on xx/xx' they believe it and update it right away. When we finally realize this is on there and we decide to fight it, WE have to have proof to back up these claims. I just want to be able to have it taken off as fast as they put it on.
    I apologize for not doing searches, seeing as I haven't been as long as the rest of you, I don't know what to exactly search for. Should I just type in key words that pertain to my situation?
    BTW, Doc, thank you for your kind words!
  4. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Yes, you can type in words, phrases, people's names, on many search boxes you can type in boolean operators such as + - & or and > more < less, use quotation marks, parenthesis things like that. I discussed that in another thread yesterday dealing with search engines which is almost a science in itself.

    On top of that, I take questions that people ask here and in other places and make a Q. & A. format out of them and put them on my website. But even that is now getting so large that it starts to get to be hard to find what you are looking for because of the massive amounts of information available. I will soon have to divide the main faq sheet up into categories that are searchable and have those in still other webpages. Right now it kinda rambles around and you have to sift through a ton of questions and answers that have nothing to do with what you might be interested in just to find something you might be.

    When I get all done, if I ever do, one should be able to find any case that rendered any decision dealing with credit or debt collection or FTC or whatever, famous rulings, laws and their references and find what you want quickly and easily. Information is like government. It soon grows to occupy all available space and is always demanding more. Maybe that has to do with the fact that information sales is the #1 seller in the world. Far more is spent on information and information gathering resources than all other sales put together.

    Nothing on earth is more popular than information.

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