GEORGE is coming to Orange County? Maybe we should get together for pizza and beer and swap FICO stories... Who else is in the area?
I will "SEE"...I have DIAL-UP at my house in WHITTIER... I was thinking of flying out for this SATURDAY-MONDAY ($176.50 RT DELTA)...BUT I will be there for VACATION SATURDAY 22 to THURSDAY 27... Haven't seen my family in a while...(have to play it by ear). Yes that is TWICE IN TWO WEEKS...BUT SO WHAT...
George - Let us know when you'll have a free afternoon on your vacation. I'm serious about setting something up - even if it's only 3-4 of us. Of course 10-12 of us would be nice, too. Did the Vegas thing ever happen, BTW?
We're moving from Knoxville to Memphis in a few weeks (moving truck actually destinates on July 8), but I've not heard of too many people here who live in the mid-south area. If someone ever puts together an Atlanta or Birmingham soiree, though, I'd love to drive over. Doc
Good luck with da move Doc But hey - how about a little visit to So Cal - for the kids at least? Universal City! Disneyland! Hollywood! Beverly Hills shopping! Mark LA!
Mark, I would absolutely love to. Actually, it's within the realm of possibility sometime this year. My brother works at Mattel in L.A., and I would really enjoy visiting him. Doc
Great news Doc... give us a couple of months notice - and we'll pull all members in the area for a creditnet pow wow. (wonder if lb59 is in our area........hmmmmmm.......)