SoCal CreditNet Luncheon?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by richard612, Jun 13, 2002.

  1. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

    GEORGE is coming to Orange County?

    Maybe we should get together for pizza and beer and swap FICO stories... Who else is in the area?
  2. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    I'm THERE~!
    when and where?
    Mark LA
  3. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

    He mentioned some dates... Maybe this weekend?


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I will "SEE"...I have DIAL-UP at my house in WHITTIER...

    I was thinking of flying out for this SATURDAY-MONDAY ($176.50 RT DELTA)...BUT I will be there for VACATION SATURDAY 22 to THURSDAY 27...

    Haven't seen my family in a while...(have to play it by ear).

    Yes that is TWICE IN TWO WEEKS...BUT SO WHAT...
  5. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

  6. kevinw01

    kevinw01 Well-Known Member

    Yeah that sounds good... when and where.....
    please let me know..


  7. richard612

    richard612 Well-Known Member

    George - Let us know when you'll have a free afternoon on your vacation. I'm serious about setting something up - even if it's only 3-4 of us. Of course 10-12 of us would be nice, too.

    Did the Vegas thing ever happen, BTW?
  8. slppryslp

    slppryslp Well-Known Member

    I think george is suggesting another trip to Vegas!!
  9. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    We're moving from Knoxville to Memphis in a few weeks (moving truck actually destinates on July 8), but I've not heard of too many people here who live in the mid-south area. If someone ever puts together an Atlanta or Birmingham soiree, though, I'd love to drive over.

  10. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    Good luck with da move Doc

    But hey - how about a little visit to So Cal - for the kids at least?
    Universal City!
    Beverly Hills shopping!
    Mark LA!
  11. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Mark, I would absolutely love to. Actually, it's within the realm of possibility sometime this year. My brother works at Mattel in L.A., and I would really enjoy visiting him.

  12. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    Great news Doc...
    give us a couple of months notice - and we'll pull all members in the area for a creditnet pow wow.
    (wonder if lb59 is in our area........hmmmmmm.......)
  13. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Don't get me started again, lol.


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