sol in pa cannot be re-aged?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by grofys, Apr 28, 2005.

  1. grofys

    grofys New Member

    I have read, and thought I bookmarked but can't find, that
    in Pensylvania the sol starts at the first delinquent payment
    and "nothing can re-age" it. I'm asking because I:

    originally made delinquent payments to current charge
    cards that would be past sol if above is correct,

    paid all charges off completely as I had done a few years prior
    (60k in 3 years-I'm such an idiot-1999 and 2002),

    then became delinquent again while we went through
    a temporary setback and went through all cards being charged-off.
    I tried to make payments after we recovered, but of course it was never enough to suit them and I was not going to give a lump
    sum to a credit card again.

    I know in PA they can freeze my current bank
    husband has a separate account. My account just has ~100
    in it at all times, so I'm not worried there. I am wondering
    though if a judgement to freeze an account is just for an
    existing account or for future accounts...or is another judgement
    needed for other future accounts. Anyway, our house is
    tenancy by entirety, so I'm not worried there. And I know there
    is no garnishment of wages. If the above statement about
    PA non-re-aging is correct then half of my cards are past the sol.
    If not I have 2 years to go on all but one, which has 3 years to
    go. Does anyone know? I know all states have different laws
    but I know I read this...I just can't find it again. I hope I
    explained this clearly.

  2. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    Try typing in PA SOL on the search page - I came up with a bunch (too many to link) of stuff that might be helpful to you.

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