Know Your Rights Your mortgage lender is required to keep your original file which was used to qualify you for your loan for at least two years. You have the right to request a copy of your file from your lender and to have your file audited. Your mortgage lender is required to keep your original file which was used to qualify you for your loan for at least two years. You have the right to request a copy of your file from your lender and to have your file audited. ***** Request Your File From Your Lender Submit Your File to be Audited For Violation Submit Your File To Attorneys to Represent You Post Your File Status for you to view Secure Login to Track Your File Attorneys and Auditors Can Reduce Your Interest Rate Determine and Negotiate Damages of Violations Stop Foreclosure Until Resolved
So how is Plano, TX these days Ms. Thomas? You forgot to register your company with the TX SOS. Was that an oversight? You know, I really despise people that prey on the ignorant. But I really, really HATE people who prey on the elderly. Is your address still 2121 W. Springcreek Parkway in Plano? It might make the Texas Ag's job a little easier. Tell me, if I buy your software at that low, low $995 to make some extra money on the side. Does it generate all the necessary contracts and disclaimers so that I am in compliance with state and federal statutes?
Clearing up the inaccurate information left behind by Apex Credit Repair **** is a SYSTEM only working with Mortgage/Brokers/HomeBuilders/ not a credit repair company like what you are getting all upset about. **** only allows mortgage companys to use it. **** is the information that I listed originally on this page, it is a sister company of ****. **** assist home owners that are on an ARM and cannot afford the payments due to they cannot refinance. **** reviews the original file and determines if they were a victim of Preditory Lending for ONLY $300.00. Our Prices are the lowest in the mortgage industry for all services. We are the ONLy company doing it correctly, even so much that Trans Union has picked our company to partner up with them and help control the inaccurate information placed on credit reports by using our web based system. The $995 amount you stated was not accurate that was for corporations wanting to purchase the software to dispute the inaccurate information themselves, since the partnership we are not offering that software to the corporations. The consumer only pays $99 for the credit management program. They get to login to a secure login and veiw the changes made to the credit file and the loan officers get to help them possibly get approved for the loan once the file has been cleaned up. 90% of consumers have some inaccurate information on their credit report. I did go to your website and noticed you sold trade lines for $895, the bureau's do not accept auth users anymore FYI. It will not count when the underwriters try to approve the loans as a trade line. Your company can actually be a part of the solution we are offering the borrowers on an ARM, we have many attorneys working to help them get the original interest rate they started out with and modify the note. Does your attorney office / company deal with title or bankrupcy issues? If so we have several NON Profit groups we refer our consumers to if they should need help if they have or thinking about bankrupcy. Thank you. I hope you will not treat the new members like this every time and not be affended other companys are helping consumers. Pat Thomas
HA HA HA HA HA HA you are FOS So the loan officers are doing the disputes on behalf of their client and charging them. Congrats they are now CSO's. Although you aren't referring to my website, you really should keep up with the industry. I'm surprised in your one on one's with your new partner TU, they haven't explained that FICO 08 HAS NOT COME OUT YET. GEEZ. Nah, I usually just report spammers as spammers right away, but I was bored. So Patricia, did you address the BAD INFORMATION testimonial you posted in the other thread?
And from your website: I added the bolding - but I'm sure most people will tell you what you are, since you seem to be in denial.
I've seen that one before, and I have to say it's one of the most bizarre pronouncements I've ever read. I even tried to parse it in a light most favorable to the person who said it, and I still couldn't find any way that it made a lick of sense.