Thanks everyone for their help this month. I have had some great success so far. A fraudulent ATT charge we asked for validation on (which was nearly 1K) was deleted on all CRA according to letter. All 5 incorrect NCO tradelines we asked for validation are supposed to be deleted. This letter was odd though. It stated that since no social security number was provided in the letter they may continue to be reported ... ummm, then how did you know which tradelines they were then? I think that might fall under misrepresentation of debt. I'd love to post the verbiage of the letter and get opinions. I couldn't get in to TU to check but don't see them on EQ. 2 med collections are off husband's EQ. This was before I found Why Chat's method, which I will be following for everything else in the future. 1 incorrect collection I disputed and asked for validation on was deleted from all CRAs. We still have a ways to go, and need a strong year of on-time payments as well as actually building positive tradelines, but things are looking up (despite a minor setback today thanks to validation by a JDB). Starting in the low 500s and maybe it's a pipe dream, but hoping to hit 700 in a year.
Keep up the hard work! It's possible... I brought my husband from 505 > 762 in about 4 months. You can do it!
Set your goals to be attainable and you will be more motivated... Don't give up. I didn't really set goals for numbers, it just worked out that way. I was expecting it to reasonable take 1.5 years... I just got lucky!
Better to be lucky than good sometimes! But, I don't think that's the case here. You've been at it for a while - give yourself some cred! Love reading these kinds of stories in the forum. Keep at it jmc!