I have been reading this board for 6 months and have applied all I have learned to my situation. To date I have been able to have 1 judgement removed and several late pays deleted! I still have several problems lingering. I sent all validation letters concerning 4 charge offs. first letter sent June 5, follow-up July 15, estoppel Aug 21. These 4 charge offs are not mine, they belong to a family member( Jr.,Sr.) you get the point. Only one is listed as a collection account. The other 3 are listed on all 3 CR's as sold/transferred. They remain under the OC listings with 0 balances. I have sent all validation letters to the CA who sent me letters concerning these accounts. They are all listed as "disputed" on EX and EQ but not on TU. this has been the case for 2 months. My question is this, how long will these be listed as "disputed" and since it has been over 90 days since I first sent out Val. letters, and have recieved no validation or anything else back other than a request from Cap1 for 3 signatures on a form letter (which I refuse to sign) what is my next step? It is obvious that no one can validate these accounts, but how long does the CRB have to delete these? I did send all CRB copies of letters along with request to delete, but they still come back verified. One more question, I have a collection listed on all 3 that was finally paid by my insurance. The Ca sent me a letter saying they will ask all 3 CRB to delete, but will take 60 days! Is there any way to expedite this process? Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to be as clear as possible about my situation. I want to thank everyone in advance for any replies, I have been using all your advice and seeing some results is very encouraging!!!
Forward a copy of the CA to the CRA as this will do the trick. Also send up dates to the CRA about the Collection acounts not being verify by the CA's asking they be removed.
Tried to email you, but your email option is off. I would suggest preparing a complaint and faxing it to them (hmmm...didn't I just type this in another post...lol?) Email's on if you need any help. L
smogtek, believe it or not, I just disputed it as "not mine" online with all 3. It was do to drop off in 7/03 if that had anything to do with it. TU deleted in just a couple of days. The other 2 deleted in about 2 weeks.